On September 6, 2003, Danny Major was serving as a Leeds constable patrol, during which Sean Rimmington had to be arrested

On September 6, 2003, Danny Major was serving as a Leeds constable patrol officer with his partner Andy Wicks when an altercation led to the arrest of Sean Rimmington. Little did Major know at the time, but this particular evening would shape his career and life for years to come. The incident between Major and Rimmington has been long debated over the years, now let’s take a closer look at precisely what happened that night in Leeds.

Danny Major, a promising young police officer from West Yorkshire Police, was on his routine constable patrol along with his partner Andy Wicks on that fateful night in 2003. They were stationed in the busy town center of Leeds when they spotted Sean Rimmington involved in a drunken altercation outside a bar.

Major and Wicks promptly intervened to maintain order and separate the two parties involved in the dispute. In the process, Rimmington became belligerent towards the officers, resulting in him needing to be arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct.

The night took an unexpected turn from there; accounts vary significantly on what precisely transpired next. According to Major and some witnesses present at the scene, Rimmington violently resisted arrest – so much so that Major had no choice but to use force to subdue him.

However, some bystanders and later Rimmington himself accused Danny Major of using excessive force during the arrest process – leading to claims of police misconduct.

Rimmington suffered facial injuries from the arrest – and while it is clear that he sustained these injuries during his interaction with Danny Major – who was ultimately responsible remained a hotly debated topic for years afterward.

In June 2006, following investigations by both West Yorkshire Police’s internal investigators and Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), Danny Major was charged with assaulting Sean Rimmington. The consequent trial took place more than three years after the initial incident in November 2006 – after which Danny Major was found guilty of causing actual bodily harm (ABH) and jailed for 15 months.

Major continually maintained his innocence throughout those years – arguing that he only used necessary force needed to control an unruly suspect effectively. Over time, however, new evidence emerged casting significant doubt on both the nature of the injury supposedly inflicted by Major as well as Sean Rimmington’s version of events on September 6th, 2003.

Rimmington initially claimed that he suffered broken teeth due to being assaulted by police officers during arrest but later backtracked by saying they broke due to him tripping up in police custody. Moreover, CCTV footage from inside the police station did not show any sign of violent or abusive behavior taking place during Rimmington’s booking process within prison.

Despite such inconsistencies surfacing over time, no substantial action was taken based on this new information until BBC’s Rough Justice documentary series took up Danny Major’s case in October 2008. Following BBC’s investigations – which exposed numerous flaws in how West Yorkshire Police handled their internal inquiry into Danny Major – West Yorkshire Chief Constable Sir Norman Bettison apologized publicly for inadequacies within their investigations.

Subsequently, this case proved challenging not only for various parties directly involved such as Danny Major and Sean Rimmington but also the wider debate surrounding use of force protections available for police officers carrying out their duty. With cases like this one continuing being subject to public scrutiny even today– it serves as a firm reminder how complex matters can become when balancing effective law enforcement against protection public rights.